Friday, April 25, 2008

Texas, Part 1

This first picture is to prove to Becky that we did indeed wear our "bracelets" she made us on Tuesday. Isn't it nice to know that you're loved and missed?
I'm sorry that the pictures are a little dark; my aunt doesn't have any photo programs, so I can't lighten or crop anything. We took just a couple of pictures at O'Hare. To get this one, I propped the camera on top of my carry-on bag which was balanced on a table. Then I set the timer and snapped the picture. (After figuring out how it worked and taking a few pictures of the floor!)

We have one of Faith posing by the window, but for some reason the computer wouldn't let me rotate that one. And it looks funny to have Faith sideways on the screen!

It was quite cloudy for most of the flight so we couldn't see the ground except when we were taking off and landing. But the sun was so bright up above the clouds!

This is Amy and Bill's house. Amy is my dad's youngest sister and my grandma has been living with her for the past two years.

The view from the back yard...I'm hoping to get some pictures of the long horn cattle that are just over the fence, but they weren't around today.

I went for a walk this morning while Grandma was resting and this little dog decided to join me. He stayed with me the whole time and bounced and ran all over the place!

We don't typically see this type of yard ornamentation back in Illinois, but it's common here in Texas!

As I was walking down the street I heard this loud, raucus screeching and couldn't figure out what it was. On the way back, I caught sight of these two strange looking birds and found out that they were the ones making all the racket. I have no idea what kind of birds they are, but boy, were they ever noisy!

Two years ago we came in August and the area was in the middle of a heat wave. And a Texas heat wave is really....HOT! (to say the least!) Everything was so dry and brown.
Last year and this year we visited in the spring and the wildflowers are just beautiful! They grow prolifically all along the roads and I love looking at them because they're different from what we have in Illinois.

The one thing I'm sad about missing is the blooming of our lilac bush back home. We missed it last year too because we were here in Texas, and now I have to wait another year to smell them! :(
Well, that's all the pictures I'm posting for the moment. Tomorrow maybe I'll put up pictures of Sissy, Lulu, Buffy and Bobo. (the dogs and the parrots)
And hopefully you all won't get bored with my Texas up-dates!


Gretchen said...

Isn't flying fun! I hope your grandma is doing well, I'm sure she enjoyed your visit. I love all the pictures!

The Hemmers said...

Yes, flying is fun, and yes Grandma is doing very well. She's walking around like she never even had surgery! We'll be here with her until the 12th of May.

Anonymous said...

Your bird's a guineafowl. They're native to Africa.

The Hemmers said...

Ah, thank you! And my curiosity is piqued - who are you Anonymous Knowledgable One?

The Sisson Clan said...

Yes that bird is a guinea! We used to have a flock of them ourselves. They can be VERY noisy! They are wonderful birds and look like they came straight from a Dr. Suess book. I'd like to get more, but my family absolutely forbids it. =( Gretchen has many stories about those birds. I'm surprised that she didn't comment on them! They are not her favorites.