Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Baby girl is 6 months old!

Her munchkin look

Daddy and his girl

Two pretty girls!

Love her smile!

She's growing up so fast, but we love every minute with our Mia baby!

Her eyes are beautiful!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

New sidewalk!

Last year for Christmas, Jason and Alyssa gave us the gift of a paved sidewalk.  This past Saturday and Sunday, he had time to install it.  The traffic from our students had created a path in the back yard from the street to the patio.  Winter and spring weather turned that path to mud, so this is a much needed and appreciated addition!

The base layer was gravel, and in this picture, Jason is smoothing the sand layer.

Making sure it's straight
Look at the size of the roots we had to get out--some of them were as big around as my arm is!  Thankfully Jason used his skid-steer to pop them up.  Then Dad chopped them off with an ax.

Mel and I mostly helped the second afternoon.  Alyssa and Mia were there on Saturday, and somebody had to sacrifice and hold the baby! :)  I gladly helped entertain her!
The two goofs being themselves.

Mom and I were the paver transporters.

It's getting close!

Brushing the special sand into the grooves.
It was getting pretty chilly by the time they finished Sunday evening, so Mel and I had a nice pot of soup ready for hard workers when they came in.


We still have some dirt and the roots to take away, but we love the end product!  Thanks Jase!