Friday, April 4, 2008


This week Jason purchased a new saw that cuts through cement for his landscaping jobs.
The thing weighs a ton!
He decided that I needed to pose with it...
Now, there have been those who have said that I couldn't look intimidating even if I tried..But me with a giant saw? I think that's pretty intimidating, don't you?
Scary, anyhow...
Okay, so I was trying to copy the deep, evil laugh that Jason can give, but I don't think I pulled it off very well.... I kept laughing too much!


Gretchen said...

Ooooo! That's scary! I promise to be a good girl, I'll do anything you say . . .

The Hemmers said...

Aha! See? I knew I could be scary! :p
You know what's really scary? The thought of me actually using that thing...See, the day before I sliced my finger pretty badly while chopping carrots...And that was just with a little kitchen knife!

Anonymous said...

You're just too cute to look scary. :P

Anonymous said...

The saw looks pretty mean and intimidating, but I think the evil laugh needs a little work...
I'm still trying to perfect it myself ;)

The Hemmers said...

Yeah, I know the evil laugh needs some work, but every time I try it, I end up giggling at the end!

The Sisson Clan said...

I think you'd better give up on the evil laugh. But, seeing you with that saw thing is DEFINITELY scary . . . . . . . but not in the way you mean! ;-)

The Hemmers said...

I don't know, maybe I should keep the laugh because it seems to make everybody else laugh! And I think that's even more fun than being 'scary'. :)

Anonymous said...

You with that saw...
now that's creepy. :) be careful!
