Monday, June 23, 2008


These past two weeks we have had quite a bit of flooding along the Rock River.
Since the river had gone down this year by the time we got down there to take pictures,
I am including a couple pictures from last year so you can see how high it was originally.
This is an island in the middle of the river, and it's now completely under water.
The force of the water going over the dam has created high waves.
We three kids went down to watch it last night--it's mesmerizing.

The fishermen are loving it.

You can stand there and see huge foot-and-a-half fish jump out of the water every few seconds.

Dixon is cut in half by the river,

and we have two bridges to get across to the other side of town.

These three shots are under the Peoria Ave. bridge.

The walkway underneath is normally 6-7 feet above the water level.

You can just barely see the top of the wall.

The water has receded some.

This is under the Galena Ave. bridge where the walkway is a bit higher up than the other bridge.

The North side walkway is completely under water. It's about 6 feet under water here.
I guess the fishermen won't be fishing from that anytime soon!

This is a park on the North side. In case you're wondering, those big cement things are old railroad bridge supports.

We used to have a third bridge only for the trains.

The ducks and geese are enjoying the water.

Mel thought these benches looked lonely without anyone to sit on them.

Well, that's it for our small town flooding report.


Gretchen said...

Woah, you guys really got some water! I had no idea . . .

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hadn't realized we had had that much rain! I guess I'll have to pay attention when we get home!
P.S. I think that the 'geese' in your one picture are actually ducks. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah,yeah...I knew they were ducks, but did you notice the geese in the background a few pictures before that one?
