At a thrift store, Melody recently found a book of embarrassing moments, and we have all been enjoying the stories. We thought we'd share a couple with you.
Toast with a Twist - Mrs. Lawrence Bruning
The most embarrassing moment of my entire life happened when our good friends Ray and Marie were visiting us for the weekend.
They arrived on a Friday evening, and the next morning I fixed an informal breakfast, with the toaster sitting on one end of the table.
We'd just begun eating our breakfast of bacon, eggs, and coffee and were waiting for our toast to pop up, when we smelled something funny--like burnt food or hair.
I looked under the teakettle on the stove and elsewhere, but I couldn't find what was causing the smell. finally I stepped back to the table. Just then the toaster pops up with the bread...and a mouse!
Its fur was singed and the half-dazed critter leaped off the toaster into Marie's coffee, then staggered right through Ray's plate of bacon and eggs before falling on the floor! My husband jumped up, grabbed a heavy cap, swatted the mouse and chased it from the kitchen!
Well, I'll tell you, you never saw such turmoil! Ray slowly shoved back his chair, and said emphatically, "I'll not eat another bite!" None of us could.
We're still good friends, and often chuckle over this episode. It know it's an experience I'll never forget if I live to be 90!
Suit or Suitor - Lynda Elhoff
My mother and I had driven down to Sioux Falls to shop. We were at the big Sears store, and, while Mom was delayed, I decided to take a look at some men's suits.
I found one I kind of liked on a mannequin. I felt the material of the pants and looked at the tie. I opened up the suit jacket to check out the lining--and that's when I realized something was definitely wrong!
There were papers in the inside pocket--and I knew mannequins had no need for those! I looked down at the shoes...and they were moving!
I could have died of embarrassment. I slowly looked up into the eyes of this "mannequin"--and found it was a real live man!
I don't know who was more flustered--him or me. But I do know I set a world's record for getting out of a Sears store!
R65 Cordless Stick Vacuum Review!
2 months ago
I would have DIED if that last instance had happened to me. 8(
Too funny, thanks for sharing!
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