Monday, September 28, 2009

Chalk the Walk

Dixon has a Scarecrow Festival each fall, and one of the events this year was a "Chalk the Walk" contest.
Melody couldn't pass up an opportunity to draw!
It's always fun to hear the comments kids make as they watch.
"Wow! How do you do that?" "Are you an artist?" Mel always chuckles at that one. If you draw, you're an artist. What they usually mean is a "professional artist", but they don't know how to say it.
She said it was interesting to work with a limited range of color choices and small space.
It's fascinating to me how she starts with a blank canvas (or sidewalk in this case) and ends with a beautiful picture! I may not be able to draw more than stick figures, but I can sure appreciate good art!
Vacation pictures coming soon!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ICHE Family Camp

This past Friday, we headed up to Camp Timber-Lee in Wisconsin for ICHE family camp. Mom and Dad drove the van, and since there wasn't room for us with all the stuff in there, Mel and I hitched a ride with the Mendozas.

Stevie and Michael
Michael wanted some music for our ride, and then we played a very long game of Sorry. It took over an hour, and we didn't even get to finish it.
We arrived in time for orientation and announcements.
Mom and Dad were in charge of almost everything this year.
At the end of the night, each family had a list of questions to ask three other families they didn't know. It was a good mixer.
Saturday morning everyone gathered at the picnic shelter for devotions.

Dad had an object lesson planned for the families.

My siblings don't look very awake yet.
Ultimate Frisbee

After lunch, it was time for the Bicycle Olympics.
Michael was ready!
Matthew did a good job explaining each event.
Weaving the buckets
A few spectators - Abby L, Mrs. L, Mel and Katie L.
Visiting time

After the Olympics, a few of us decided it was time to go boating.
Mariah and Bekah L.
Me and Abby L.
Mel and Kate L.
Matthew and Mr. S.
The paddle boats were alot of work, so we switched to canoes.
James W. and Jason
Next up was supper! We had wonderful helpers to get the meal ready.
Mrs. L. and Melody
Mrs. G, Kira S, Mrs. S, Mariah and Kate L.
Nathan S.
Time for the R.I.O.T.!
Really Out-of-the-Ordinary Interesting Things

The first game involved newspapers by the bundle!
Each team had to crumple the papers and throw them into one of the other quadrants.
The winning team was the one with the least amount of papers in their square.
The next unusual game required shaving cream and fruit loops.
This boy really covered his whole head!
Jacob was bombarded by his family and the Capps. I think they enjoyed it!
Robbie W. was one of the winners.
"Tank" was a hit!
The last game of the evening was quite messy!
A cup was placed on one team-mate's head, and his team was supposed to squirt the chocolate syrup into it without spilling much. I think they were too wound up by this time. Every cup holder was very covered by the end of the game.

Stevie M.
Jason G. cleaning up
Kira S.
Hayride time - Katie L, Mel, and Stevie M.
Me, Abby and Mariah L.
Sunday morning, the Barnard family and the three of us led worship.
Mr. L. gave the message.
After church, we head out to the open field to play a few more R.I.O.T. games that we didn't have time for the previous night.

In this relay, every person had to pick an article of clothing from each pile, put it on, run across the line at the end, return each item to its original pile, and tag their next team-mate.

Michael M.
The adults even played.

Jeremy S. chose to wear his clothing a little differently--a shirt on his legs!

Jimmy S. was getting in the action too!
Zack L. and Nathan S. teamed up in the donut game. The donut swung on a string and was difficult to eat.
Abby thought Nathan's face was pretty funny looking with all the powdered sugar.
Given a stick and wearing a blind fold...
...can they find and hit the bucket?

Of course we had to have prizes! Candy time!
A little two-on-two volleyball.
Jacob B. and Jason against Michael C. and James W.
The carpet ball game was in use almost constantly during the weekend. We finally got a chance to play after most people had headed home.

We enjoyed getting to see familiar faces and meeting new people!
Family Camp 2009 = fun!